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Registered: 09/05/2003

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A look in the life of a person who doesn't have much of a life cuz other wise I wouldn't spend as much time on Gaia

Well...that's a doozy of a title -_-;


Dartanian Isthill

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Thanks savipersssss

Well, well, well... It seems you've managed to stumble upon my little corner of the internet. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dartanian Isthill. Friends call me 'Dart', and others... well, they call me 'Dart' too if they're feeling nice about it. In-knee-way, enough about me and- wait, no, not enough about me. There can never be enough about my wonderfully egotistical, somewhat maniacal, deviously philosophical, randomly witty, arguably insane, and all around amiable self. And seeing as this is my profile, I believe I have the freedom to talk about myself for however long I wish.

In-knee-way, like I said, enough about me- oh, wait, again, no... why do I keep doing that?

Reader: ... -twitch-

Now then, if anyone knows me or heard of me, then one of the first things- if not the first thing- that people would quickly associate me with is roleplaying. The main reason I come onto Gaia at all is to join in as many and various roleplays as I can before I end up collapsing from a) overload of posting, b) confusion from overload of characters, c) mixing up roleplays, or d) all of the above. Probably not the best way to go about it but hey, it keeps me from being bored. And remember people, boredom is a step to insanity!


Though I may be a bit hypocritical in spouting that line here since I am mostly making (or remaking to past visitors xP) this profile out of boredom. Funny ol' world now innit?

In-knee-way, speaking of roleplaying- yes, I'm going to linger more on this topic. Why? I already told you. I am an avid rper and there's still just a few more things I wish to discuss about it.

Reader: -groan-

Oh, go away then!

As I was saying, I am an enthusiastic rper and I have a rather extensive list of characters that I am willing to play as from various series of anime, manga, tv shows, movies, old cartoons, video games, and books. If you wish to know that list, send me a private message or leave a note at the rendezvous point.

Alrighty, so now class- er, I mean, guests, let's recap. I've talked about myself a bit, talked about rping a bit, warned you guys about the dangers of an idle mind, talked about rping a bit more... I guess I've got nothing further to add. So if you managed to read through this whole thing, I congratulate you for your diligence. If you didn't read this far, then you're probably not really reading this right now and have thus given me the opportunity to point and laugh at you without your knowing. All that aside, if you really want to get to know me more, then I suggest sending a friendly PM over or invite to a roleplay or vice-versa.

So until one or the other happens, I bit ye adieu.

- Dartanian 'Dart' Isthill

~PS: I dare you to highlight this: by highlighting this your soul now belongs to Ducky >3 Thank you and enjoy the rest of your life~


View All Comments

Takumi no Winry Report | 12/08/2023 3:14 pm
Takumi no Winry
roy's still a b***h. hope you're not dead.
Local Forest Dweller Report | 03/06/2021 4:27 pm
Local Forest Dweller
Erectin' a dispenser
Takumi no Winry Report | 02/09/2021 11:27 pm
Takumi no Winry
7 years later and Roy is still a b***h.
one old slug Report | 03/28/2013 12:05 pm
one old slug
"Why" would probably be that I'm conniving.
one old slug Report | 03/25/2013 7:45 pm
one old slug
I was pretty blown away by my own good timing.
one old slug Report | 03/25/2013 1:16 pm
one old slug
Replying to your comment from a year ago yesterday. Sorry about that, I'm terrible about checking Gaia, and I logged in today because I just want to role play, haha.
Classes have been treating me well. Good grades and whatnot. I'm trying to get into a phlebotomy program so I can get certified and find decent work in my area. I'm getting the "I want to move out and get a cat/dog" fever that seems to be going on with my other peers.
Hope you're still doing alright.
Visser Three Report | 02/16/2013 5:26 am
Visser Three
i know right. BOO SKIN BRO.BOOSKIN.

I've had the same avatar for more than 3 years now xD finally changed it! WHOOOT!

Man I loved that boo skin ;_;

AND I KNOWWW. this is forever going to be one of mah favorite songs ;_; and whenever I listen to it... I sort of think 'animorphs' lol.
Visser Three Report | 12/17/2012 1:08 am
Visser Three
Oh I bought that game, haven't downloaded it though xD

what's the holiday event about?
Visser Three Report | 12/16/2012 7:30 pm
Visser Three
hows it going? hows life? y'know, the usual
Visser Three Report | 12/15/2012 9:39 pm
Visser Three


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